Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Live laugh love

Live Life Like There's No Tomorrow. Its true! You don't know if something tragic will happen we might all Go to heaven in a week! You spend your time doing things for granted when the instant they are gone you finally realize what you had. I have a hard time accepting people for who they are and loving them no matter what.
I had a friend who always had nicer things then I did and I envied her. Her clothes hair everything.
Her lifestyle was just so different from mine and it bothered me a lot! So recently I have had the chance to get closer to God and realized what I have is just enough!
My family loves me and takes care of me and sure I can get mad at my parents and say I "hate" them, but if they were not here I don't know where I'd be.

Another thing, my parents have always taught me that doing things we don't like or agree with is just part of life. I know people who won't read or see anything they don't agree with. Reading books that don't go along with what you agree with doesn't make it wrong period, it helps you realize what you believe in and that's your opinion.

I hope you enjoyed my insight!


  1. Hey Lizzie!! I awarded you over at my blog. Keep postin' great stuff! :D

  2. Hey Liz I awarded you on my blog. :)
